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Spring Turning 2022

Ranelagh Arts will mark the Celtic 'Years Turnings' aka 'Quarter Year' aka 'Fire Festivals' to regularly highlight our relationships with Mother Earth and all who sail in her through the infinite Cosmos. The Spring Turning ‘Imbolc’ is better known now as Féile Bhride/ St Brigids Day. It is not the start of the Celtic Year as you might assume; that is the Winter Turning ‘Samhain’ / Halloween. Imbolc is set in the depths of Winter when the ‘stretch in the evenings’ triggers the emergence of hope. This Spring Turn is particularly sweet after two long years of lockdown and restrictions.

We are starting small and virtually with the first Spring Turn but our ambition is big. The Summer Turn ‘Bealtaine’ is on the eve of 1st of May, the Autumn Turn, ‘Lunasa’ on the eve of 1st August and finally the Winter Turn ‘Samhain’ you guessed it, the eve of 1st November.

Ranelagh Arts hereby invites Poets, Singers, Musicians, Dancers, Thespians and Artists; especially those living locally, especially those starting out, especially those who have had to overcome obstacles to express their creativity, to get in touch directly to to help create Cosmic Year Turns experiences for everyone.

Because it is a fundamental policy of Ranelagh Arts to pay artists first and well, it is up to our loyal local community and very welcome visitors, to determine how fabulously the Years Turn’s will be marked. We have no fancy Arts Centre nor do we enjoy lavish public funding so expect early requests for donations and sponsorship in the coming months.

Watch out for announcement here of important event in honour of Ranelagh local hero, Deirdre Kelly.

Director, Monika Crowley will be getting in touch too about the doings in No. 6



No. 6 Ranelagh, Dublin 6 D06 X7W9

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