Day 1 : Friday 23rd September : Mount Pleasant Square Ranelagh
Franzini Circus Tent: External view above; internal view below
7.00pm: 'Housing in Ireland':Lorcan Sirr and Panelists, Robin Mandal and Rob Curley
Planning, Policy and Populism: Young couples can't afford to buy a home and start a family as their parents did. A Generation Rent lives with sky high rents and insecurity. Our government is committing to buy 'uneconomic' Build to Rents. Is it too late to change course?
8.00pm And now for something completely different 'Lisamarie Johnson'
Lisemarie act interacts with the performers on stage unsuspecting audience too, with annoying hilarious interruptions. Trained and specialised in Live Art in Ireland and abroad, she has curated many live art events with Irish and International artists
8.15pm Performance by 'The Sheds' with Open Session later
The Sheds are an acoustic trio with Peter Brazier, Eileen Fleming, and Frank Hall. Their repertoire;- spanning old-timey American mountain music, rags, swing jazz, Irish harp music, LatinAmerican, and quirky pop has a common thread of fun and sun, with the odd dark tune for contrast.
Come for a serious discussion and chill out after with music and fun....