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Although this year our festival can take place indoors and under canvas due to the lifting of pandemic measures, we still need helpers to erect the tent, lay out chairs, check tickets, take payments and donations, record new subscribers, escort audience members to their seats, maintain health and safety, assist back stage as well as fetch and carry as required.
A priority task is to get the word out ASAP by putting up posters on lampposts and distributing 800 brochures to shops and homes. These volunteers will earn a reward of a day ticket for the Tent on either 24th or 25th. Volunteers at the other events are guaranteed a free seat however high the demand for tickets for that event. Note: a Festival Team member will be in attendance at every event too.

Check the Roster of Tasks for the days and times you are free and send an email to with your


Phone Number:


Task No.s;

Pick Tasks that suit you and how many you can take on. For example: Any 2 Tasks of 1, 4, 10, 14 in order of preference. Our highly efficient Production Manager will contact you with your assigned tasks and answer all your queries. We hope many of you will join us to make 2022 the year of the best Ranelagh Arts Festival ever!



No. 6 Ranelagh, Dublin 6 D06 X7W9

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CRO No. 404571

CHY No. 18206

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