Ranelagh Arts invites artists/members to submit their work for our Festival visual arts exhibition ‘Cultural Natures’. We we are looking for submissions reflecting the theme in all its interpretations; culture, climate, connections, community.
The exhibition will take place from the 17th - 25th September in our Arts Centre at No. 6 Ranelagh and off-site locations throughout the Village.
Selection will be made by a Panel invited by Ranelagh Arts. There is no entry fee to submit work but Ranelagh Arts will take a 20% commission on any work sold.
Artists should email a 1 page pdf to art.ranelagharts@gmail.com with the following information;
Image, Title of work, Artists Name, Dimensions, Medium, Edition (if applicable) and Price (including 20% Commission to Ranelagh Arts)
Submission Deadline August 17th 2022